So today was a fun one. Since the arrival of the snow (and after our week off school because of it) everyday seems to be a good one. Today one of my friends had to film a few shots for her media project; to make a music video. This excited us to know end. So we ventured, out into the ice and glistening snow to a secluded spot behind the sixth form block, a good long patch of grass that was covered by a foot of snow.
Now of course it didn't start off as a very productive outing as we almost ended up reinacting the 'last christmas' video whilst my friend was planning her shots, in fact a few verses o the song may have been sung whilst we skipped about... There's something about the snow that seriously reverts you to being about seven years old. So after prancing around like idiots, making snow angels (well one of us) and singing to our hearts content the shooting began.
The story of the music video is a classic boy meets girl, they have fight, they kiss and make up. The shooting went well and it looks really cute all in all : ') I can't wait to see it fully finished.
I"m feeling so in the christmas mood although I really need to get all my presents bought! (I never know what to get people!) In the mean time here's a cheesy christmas song to tide you over....
All my love, A Cat named Cat x
Monday, 6 December 2010
Sunday, 5 December 2010
Oh the weather outside is frightful....
I love snow! I've always loved snow since I was little, it feels special. For some reason it makes me feel safer too, like a white security blanket. Unfortunately we don't tend to get much snow around here. There was the freaky incident in January that seen us have more snow than ever before but this past week has to take the prize. We've had the astounding moment of waking up and seeing nothing but white flakes falling around us (snow is falling, all around us do do do) and as much as everyone might complain about it I LOVE IT!
Here are a few pictures of my street and back garden to give you a taste of the snow. It probably doesn't look a lot to some of you but for us it's pretty amazing :)
The snow is much deeper now after a couple of more days of snowfall, it's unbelievable!
In keeping with the snowy theme, I went to see White Christmas at the theatre yesterday. It was wonderfully wonderful! I'd never actually seen the original Bing Crosby film so I went in with a completely open mind. I adored the story as simple as it was and the singing, dancing and acting were all absolutely flawless. It really put me in the mood for Christmas!
Here's to wishing for a white Christmas :)
All my Love, A Cat named Cat x
Here are a few pictures of my street and back garden to give you a taste of the snow. It probably doesn't look a lot to some of you but for us it's pretty amazing :)
The snow is much deeper now after a couple of more days of snowfall, it's unbelievable!
In keeping with the snowy theme, I went to see White Christmas at the theatre yesterday. It was wonderfully wonderful! I'd never actually seen the original Bing Crosby film so I went in with a completely open mind. I adored the story as simple as it was and the singing, dancing and acting were all absolutely flawless. It really put me in the mood for Christmas!
Here's to wishing for a white Christmas :)
All my Love, A Cat named Cat x
bing crosby,
white christmas
Saturday, 4 December 2010
7 Things...
Hello everyone!
First of all I'd like to say a big thank you to Kate for giving me the 'Stylish Blogger Award'. I feel very honoured!!
So here's what it's all about...
The Award's Rules:
Thank the person who gave you the award.
Tell 7 facts about yourself.
Give the award to 7 bloggers you just love.
Leave the 7 bloggers a comment telling them they won.
so now I guess it's time to tell you 7 things about me...
1) I am an Audrey Hepburn Fanatic! Audrey is and will always be my idol. She inspires my love of drama, my sense of style and my love of classic movies. If I had to pick only one film that I could watch for the rest of my life it would most certainly either be breakfast at Tiffany's or Sabrina. Also I find her work as a unicef ambassador truly inspiring :) Audrey <3 Now and forever.
2) I'm a hopeless romantic. It makes no sense considering there is little romance within my life but then again that might explain everything. Whether it's in books or films and most of tales f real life romance it just makes my heart melt.
3) My family and friends mean the world to me. They make me who I am and I love them utterly and completely. I don't think this one takes much explaining.
4) I'm a book freak. I could literally take books instead of oxygen. I love the escape they provide and the way a good book can completely change your mood or even change your view on the world. The power of Literature astounds me. Writing is the same for me. I love to write stories, mostly of things I'd like to read myself or things I wish would happen. Escapism at it's greatest.
5) I'm pretty sure Hollywood has brain washed me into believing in the happy endings their film's provide. It's silly and probably a little dangerous but I do still have faith in a sparkly Hollywood happy ending for my life although I've got the whole film to look forward to before that :)
6) I was born on Christmas day - people seem to find this interesting. It always feels weird though because it doesn't feel like my birthday because it's CHRISTMAS! Maybe one day it'll fully feel like my birthday but who knows.
7) 7 is my favourite number in the world. I don't know if it's the whole lucky number seven thing but I think I just like the sound of it. It reminds me of comfort and security. Also I remember 7 being a good age as odd as that sounds. Also there is 7 Harry Potter books... that's always got to be a plus.
Hope you enjoyed those random facts!
Now onto the tagging!
I here by award...
S at 'Confessions of a boring girl'
Jodie at '... The run on sentences of life...'
Bookalicious Ramblings at 'Bookalicious Ramblings'
Katie at 'What Katie Does'
Pretty at 'At pretty face'
Kaleena at 'Just Add Kaleena'
Cupcake Cutie at 'Life of a cupcake'
Feel free to take on the challenge or not :) :) If you do have fun!
All my love, A Cat named Cat x
Saturday, 20 November 2010
The wonders of Drama.
Hey everybody!
Well a lot has happened since my last post drama wise...
*Beauty and the beast was a huge success! There were moments when we really thought it wasn't going to come together but as the saying goes, it was all right on the night. I grew so close to all of the cast, we became like a little family that we were all sad to let go of. Luckily, auditions for the next play are in two weeks! So I'm very excited.
*For my drama A Level we are staging a production of Our Country's Good. It's a really wonderful play about the first convict fleet to arrive in Australia and how they put on a play and the relationships between convicts and officers. I'm playing Mary, which is one of the main parts... I was ecstatic when I found that out! :)
*Also on a bigger scale, a student theatre company in the region are going to be putting on As you like it. Auditions also next week and I really want to audition but I'm SO nervous! - I'm just going to push myself, it's worth a try isn't it?
Sorry if my drama talk bores you but I just love acting! It lets you escape and tell other peoples story in a unique way... I just love it ♥
In other news I can't stop listening to Pixie Lott's version of "Forget You" . I think I over did it on the replay button :)
I'll hopefully write again soon :)
All my love, A Cat named Cat x
Well a lot has happened since my last post drama wise...
*Beauty and the beast was a huge success! There were moments when we really thought it wasn't going to come together but as the saying goes, it was all right on the night. I grew so close to all of the cast, we became like a little family that we were all sad to let go of. Luckily, auditions for the next play are in two weeks! So I'm very excited.
*For my drama A Level we are staging a production of Our Country's Good. It's a really wonderful play about the first convict fleet to arrive in Australia and how they put on a play and the relationships between convicts and officers. I'm playing Mary, which is one of the main parts... I was ecstatic when I found that out! :)
*Also on a bigger scale, a student theatre company in the region are going to be putting on As you like it. Auditions also next week and I really want to audition but I'm SO nervous! - I'm just going to push myself, it's worth a try isn't it?
Sorry if my drama talk bores you but I just love acting! It lets you escape and tell other peoples story in a unique way... I just love it ♥
In other news I can't stop listening to Pixie Lott's version of "Forget You" . I think I over did it on the replay button :)
I'll hopefully write again soon :)
All my love, A Cat named Cat x
Sunday, 24 October 2010
Once upon a time......
Once upon a time in a not so far away land a girl sat in her room reading 'the book of tomorrow' and wishing something that magical would happen to her. She had no prince charming but she did have some newly purchased winter accessories that brightened her day as she had learned the boy on the white horse wasn't going to get here anytime soon....
Ah, fairytales. I used to love them so much as a kid, part of me still does but I've only recently thought about how misleading they are! They tell all little girls that they need a prince to rescue them and all the best girls get their prince. Which is very sad in a way. I know they're only fairy stories but they make such a big impression when you're little. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a cynic, I'm just sitting patiently waiting for my happy ending or more like happy beginning.
My favourite fairytale was always sleeping beauty, especially the Disney version..... prince Philip was smooth!
I have lots more news to tell you in my next post :)
Thanks or reading ! :)
All my love, A Cat named Cat x
Ah, fairytales. I used to love them so much as a kid, part of me still does but I've only recently thought about how misleading they are! They tell all little girls that they need a prince to rescue them and all the best girls get their prince. Which is very sad in a way. I know they're only fairy stories but they make such a big impression when you're little. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a cynic, I'm just sitting patiently waiting for my happy ending or more like happy beginning.
My favourite fairytale was always sleeping beauty, especially the Disney version..... prince Philip was smooth!
I have lots more news to tell you in my next post :)
Thanks or reading ! :)
All my love, A Cat named Cat x
Friday, 22 October 2010
Sometimes I feel like throwing my hands up in the air
Stress. It's a funny funny thing. This week has been revolved around raising money for charity; who knew it could be so hard?! SO basically I've been rushing around like a headless chicken and receiving abuse whilst trying to sell charity merchandise. I don't understand people sometimes.
Ignorance. This has nearly driven me to breaking point today. My English Literature teacher has taken to ignoring me; like literally, I try very hard, I'm polite and I've always had good relationships with all of my teachers. However this one seems to deny my existence. Every question I answer is wrong. All my essays aren't good enough. She'll happily converse to my two fellow drama geeks about drama and how well they're doing but she'll not even give me a glance. She observed our drama lesson today and then she taught us in the afternoon, giving my two friends detailed praise and completely brushing me off. What can I possibly be doing wrong? As silly as it sounds this has been building up for weeks and I was so upset by it today I almost let a tear slip - yes I know how ridiculous that sounds.
Kissing. I've never been kissed. It's so embarrassing to admit at my age. However it has been revealed the part I will be playing in the next play I am in will require kissing my friend several times. I know it's stage kissing and it's different but it's still kissing. I don't know how I feel about my first ever kiss being staged; it just doesn't seem right. Will it be awkward? Who knows... but I'm nervous.
It's been a bad week everybody.
I just pray it gets better.
Thank you for reading!
All my love, A Cat named Cat x
Ignorance. This has nearly driven me to breaking point today. My English Literature teacher has taken to ignoring me; like literally, I try very hard, I'm polite and I've always had good relationships with all of my teachers. However this one seems to deny my existence. Every question I answer is wrong. All my essays aren't good enough. She'll happily converse to my two fellow drama geeks about drama and how well they're doing but she'll not even give me a glance. She observed our drama lesson today and then she taught us in the afternoon, giving my two friends detailed praise and completely brushing me off. What can I possibly be doing wrong? As silly as it sounds this has been building up for weeks and I was so upset by it today I almost let a tear slip - yes I know how ridiculous that sounds.
Kissing. I've never been kissed. It's so embarrassing to admit at my age. However it has been revealed the part I will be playing in the next play I am in will require kissing my friend several times. I know it's stage kissing and it's different but it's still kissing. I don't know how I feel about my first ever kiss being staged; it just doesn't seem right. Will it be awkward? Who knows... but I'm nervous.
It's been a bad week everybody.
I just pray it gets better.
Thank you for reading!
All my love, A Cat named Cat x
Monday, 4 October 2010
Exciting times.
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No particular reason for this - I just thought it was pretty :) |
Although I'm beginning to doubt romantic passion exists. Ok, ok, I know, I'm only 16 (nearly 17 mind...) and there's plenty of time to experience those feelings but everyone else seems to know all about them. I have never felt strongly about anyone in that way, yes I've had crushes, one quite large crush but none that made me REALLY feel anything. Is there something wrong with me?
It just makes me more confused when Lover Boy keeps going on at me as well. Maybe I should just go out with him? Maybe I should just settle? Maybe then I'd feel SOMETHING?
Oh, this is all so terribly confusing :(
Any advice would be much appreciated
All my love, A Cat named Cat x
Saturday, 2 October 2010
Spring Awakening!
Oh wow. Oh wow! OH WOW! I may have mentioned a few times that my friends were involved in a local production of spring awakening but I could not have imagined how spectacular it was going to be! The story was so beautiful and heartfelt and the music was unbelievable. I loved every minute of this amazing show!
I must apologise AGAIN for being such a bad blogger but sixth form is a lot of work - I had to write 5 essays tonight :( So please don't desert me, I'm still here going strong and I have so much to share with you guys! In the mean time enjoy this taste of spring awakening - the broadway version :)
Please comment! :)
All my love, A cat named cat x
I must apologise AGAIN for being such a bad blogger but sixth form is a lot of work - I had to write 5 essays tonight :( So please don't desert me, I'm still here going strong and I have so much to share with you guys! In the mean time enjoy this taste of spring awakening - the broadway version :)
Please comment! :)
All my love, A cat named cat x
Sunday, 19 September 2010
Power Walk Baby, Power Walk!
A bonding experience. That is how a brutal 7 mile walk was sold to us - a chance to get to know our tutor groups and talk to some new people as we traipsed through the wilderness. I am not a walker - nor have I ever been a walker - so needless to say I was not looking forward to this. In anticipation for the trek I bought blister plasters, memory foam and foot wipes (I felt very prepared) .
For some reason before we got on the buses to take us to our starting point I felt reading to run a marathon or in the words I gleefully exclaimed whilst practically jogging in place "I could climb a mountain!" - Why do I say these things? This enthusiasm lasted a while - we stepped off the coach, abandoned the walking in tutor groups idea and headed on route. My feet were coping well with the foot protection I had purchased and I was still on my little high - all was well.
However after a brief lunch break in a field I found myself walking with one of my friends but also between lover boy and D the determined which was awkward to say the least....
L.B - "So are your feet ok?"
D - "Hey! I've all ready asked her that"
L.B - "Well maybe she'll give me a different answer!"
After an hour of that I really was starting to feel the pain of walking on uneven ground in the middle of a forest whilst having two boys offering to carry me (Once again I feel nothing but guilt about these two!) .
The final stretch brought us to another filed where we had to wait an hour for the bus to come and collect us - in the mean time I went to sleep using my friend as a pillow. Bonding? - it was never going to happen.
Please comment :)
All my Love, A Cat named Cat x
The Breakfast Club
I'm such a bad blogger! I'm so sorry! Life is so hectic at the minute, I can't post as regularly as I'd like and I'm behind on commenting on some of my favourite blogs too. So once again I apologise. But the topic today is the 80's classic and on of my favourite films... THE BREAKFAST CLUB!
I love the challenging of stereotypes in this movie. It really inspired my to know we can all be what we choose and not just the label prescribed to us. There's not once I can watch it where it fails to make me laugh and smile. Also Molly Ringwald = Simply Amazing :)
I'm going to be a better blogger this week - I promise :)
I love the challenging of stereotypes in this movie. It really inspired my to know we can all be what we choose and not just the label prescribed to us. There's not once I can watch it where it fails to make me laugh and smile. Also Molly Ringwald = Simply Amazing :)
"Dear Mr. Vernon: We accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it was we did wrong. But, we think you're crazy to make us write an essay telling you who we think we are. You see us as you want to see us: in the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions. But, what we found out is that each one of us is: a brain . . .
Andrew Clark: And an athlete . . .
Allison Reynolds: And a basket case . . .
Claire Standish: A princess . . .
John Bender: And a criminal.
Brian Johnson: Does that answer your question? Sincerely yours, The Breakfast Club. "
I'm going to be a better blogger this week - I promise :)
All my Love, A Cat named Cat x
Saturday, 11 September 2010
The tragedy of being a marshmallow.
I must have bi polar or something; in the space of two days I went from hating Sixth Form to absolutely loving it! Lessons have gotten better and I've gotten to know some new people which is also cool. Though whilst I was sitting in the common room with a newly purchased bag of marshmallows (bored out of my skull by the way... so don't think I'm crazy when you read this next sentence) and I realised it must be a hard life if you were a marshmallow. Being made to look all cute and fluffy then mercilessly being dunked into a steaming hot beverage - ridiculous. As I say I was tremendously bored when I came up with revelation but I still thought I'd share it.
In other news... lover boy asked me out. My heart completely wrenched at that moment; I had no idea what to say. I panicked and ended up just, "Thank you for asking... I just can't" I'm so socially inept. Boys have never been my strong point anyway.... any one I like never likes me... it's probably saved me a lot of trouble in all honesty.
And finally my first drama task is to go somewhere and 'observe someone' - basically stalking! Then right down any mannerisms they have... I'm quite concerned by this in all honesty.
Autumn has taken full prominence and I love it more than anything, the chill in the air is so refreshing :)
I hope everyone has had a good week and I just want to say I really do appreciate every comment and follow!
All my love, A Cat named Cat x
In other news... lover boy asked me out. My heart completely wrenched at that moment; I had no idea what to say. I panicked and ended up just, "Thank you for asking... I just can't" I'm so socially inept. Boys have never been my strong point anyway.... any one I like never likes me... it's probably saved me a lot of trouble in all honesty.
And finally my first drama task is to go somewhere and 'observe someone' - basically stalking! Then right down any mannerisms they have... I'm quite concerned by this in all honesty.
Autumn has taken full prominence and I love it more than anything, the chill in the air is so refreshing :)
I hope everyone has had a good week and I just want to say I really do appreciate every comment and follow!
All my love, A Cat named Cat x
Tuesday, 7 September 2010
A new chapter...
So, I began Sixth Form today. It was an odd experience to say the least...
It began with torrential rain and believe me it was pathetic fallacy; my mood was completely ominous. I trudged into school, the water on the ground soaking straight through my shoes to be put into a tutor group I did not particularly want to be in. I know, I know, I sound like a whining two year old but nothing feels right anymore, I feel like I'm floating about not knowing quite what to do. I hate change.
However the up side is... we've got quite a lot of new people. A lot of new guys... some of which are quite handsome... especially one who seemed to be smiling at me a lot; that did cheer me up. I've been such a bad blogger lately, and I do apologise. I'll try to update more often with some more fun topics :)
For now, here's one of my favourite songs from rent which seriously cheered me up today...
Please comment :)
All My Love, A Cat named Cat x
It began with torrential rain and believe me it was pathetic fallacy; my mood was completely ominous. I trudged into school, the water on the ground soaking straight through my shoes to be put into a tutor group I did not particularly want to be in. I know, I know, I sound like a whining two year old but nothing feels right anymore, I feel like I'm floating about not knowing quite what to do. I hate change.
However the up side is... we've got quite a lot of new people. A lot of new guys... some of which are quite handsome... especially one who seemed to be smiling at me a lot; that did cheer me up. I've been such a bad blogger lately, and I do apologise. I'll try to update more often with some more fun topics :)
For now, here's one of my favourite songs from rent which seriously cheered me up today...
Please comment :)
All My Love, A Cat named Cat x
Saturday, 4 September 2010
Back into the swing of things...
Yesterday we had our first Beauty and the Beast rehearsal for a while, it really got my out of my lazy slump which I've bee stuck in for ages. Plus it was great seeing everyone again! I've missed rehearsals so much. It's weird when you start doing something that you haven't done for a while and it feels like there hasn't been a break!
I've also been given about 100 spring awakening leaflets to shift. I felt quite promotional but I don't see how I can get rid of them all. So... if your in the north east of England, come see Spring Awakening! Please?
Things are really good at the minute, that all might change when school starts but for now... I'm a happy bunny with a lot to look forward to, including the lovely Autumn weather! (I know it's odd but I love the leaves!)
What are you looking forward too about the Fall?
All my Love, A Cat named Cat x
I've also been given about 100 spring awakening leaflets to shift. I felt quite promotional but I don't see how I can get rid of them all. So... if your in the north east of England, come see Spring Awakening! Please?
Things are really good at the minute, that all might change when school starts but for now... I'm a happy bunny with a lot to look forward to, including the lovely Autumn weather! (I know it's odd but I love the leaves!)
What are you looking forward too about the Fall?
All my Love, A Cat named Cat x
Thursday, 2 September 2010
Edinburgh was actually amazing! It felt so historical and for lack of a better word... pretty. But that's what it was, simply pretty! Here's a few pictures...
I had such a great time, I just want to go back again! Ooh and thank you to my 7 followers! :)
All My Love, A Cat named Cat x
I had such a great time, I just want to go back again! Ooh and thank you to my 7 followers! :)
All My Love, A Cat named Cat x
Tuesday, 31 August 2010
My hearts gone all a flutter...
Something's not right. Not right at all, I'm sporting one of the dopiest grins ever and my heart is racing. The troubling thing is it's all over nothing! Maybe I should start at the beginning...
If this makes any sense - I'm feeling bad for feeling happy (now there's an oxymoron for you). I really do hate the way the world works sometimes. Don't you?
Please comment :)
All my Love, A Cat named Cat x
For the past year and a bit I harboured the most ridiculous crush on a guy two years above me. He was a drama geek (my favourite type of geek :) ) and I was a silly 15 year old (when it started) just trying not to embarrass myself in front of him at rehearsals. But because of some seriously messed up stuff I had to quit the play I was in with him and I couldn't audition for the next one. However my friend was also in these plays, the two of them became quite close as friends and I'll admit it... it made me so jealous. Anyway, he was going to go to university miles and miles away in September so I decided to get over him. Fast.
This was until a couple of hours ago when my friend tells me he's in fact going to a university less than a mile away - smile spreads across face. The smile got even bigger when I found out we were going to be auditioning for the same play in a few months time. Ok, I know I'm being silly. He'll never even give me a second look, because why would he? He's s out of my league it's unbelievable. So I wish I didn't feel this excited about it. I mean I'd like just to know him better even if it was as friends because even I know that's all we'll ever be.
If this makes any sense - I'm feeling bad for feeling happy (now there's an oxymoron for you). I really do hate the way the world works sometimes. Don't you?
Please comment :)
All my Love, A Cat named Cat x
Monday, 30 August 2010
The things you find...
I have to admit, I've been sleeping in a room that looks more like a bomb site that a bedroom. I just couldn't motivate my self to clean up! Whenever I attempted to I realised "Ooh look, 18 kids and counting is on... I'll just take a little break..." (A little break that went on for infinity and beyond) . Today, however I gave myself a wake up call, I couldn't find anything anymore... the bin bags came out of the cupboard and I hit my room with the force of a hurricane.
Surprising myself with how ruthless I was being, I achieved the result of once again being to see the floor! However in the process I found, Old photographs, An exam timetable I lost the week before my exams and spent the whole time panicking and 'The sound of music' of video (I didn't even know I owned that!). So now, after hours of willing myself to throw things in the bin, an under the bed expedition and hoovering I've finally finished! It's really such a good feeling :)
So, I sit here on my bedroom floor feeling like a very very happy bunny to add to the happiness I just bought a new coat that makes me feel very Audrey Hepburn - esque. I know its not exactly like the one she wore in Breakfast at Tiffany's but it was good enough for me! I love getting new clothes that just make you feel positive as soon as you put them on.
This week just keeps getting better and better. Edinburgh on Wednesday and Beauty and the Beast (tale as old as time...) Rehearsals on Friday :)
This has been a very positive post today, I hope all of you are feeling as happy :) Please comment! (it'll make me even happier...) :)
All My Love, A Cat named Cat x
Surprising myself with how ruthless I was being, I achieved the result of once again being to see the floor! However in the process I found, Old photographs, An exam timetable I lost the week before my exams and spent the whole time panicking and 'The sound of music' of video (I didn't even know I owned that!). So now, after hours of willing myself to throw things in the bin, an under the bed expedition and hoovering I've finally finished! It's really such a good feeling :)
So, I sit here on my bedroom floor feeling like a very very happy bunny to add to the happiness I just bought a new coat that makes me feel very Audrey Hepburn - esque. I know its not exactly like the one she wore in Breakfast at Tiffany's but it was good enough for me! I love getting new clothes that just make you feel positive as soon as you put them on.
This week just keeps getting better and better. Edinburgh on Wednesday and Beauty and the Beast (tale as old as time...) Rehearsals on Friday :)
This has been a very positive post today, I hope all of you are feeling as happy :) Please comment! (it'll make me even happier...) :)
All My Love, A Cat named Cat x
Audrey Hepburn,
my room
Sunday, 29 August 2010
Well that's something to look forward to!
Though I'm sad that's summer's ending, one of the cure for the end of summer blues is to realise all the awesome things that I have to look forward to in the fall!
- My trip to Edinburgh! I've never been to Edinburgh before and it's supposed to be beautiful and full of history... and shops.
- Starting Sixth Form! I think this may be quite scary in some respects but I'm more than ready for this new phase in my life, hopefully it'll bring along some new adventures too.
- Beauty and The Beast! Tale as old as time... I've been rehearsing for this since summer began and I cannot wait to perform it in November :)
- Spring Awakening! - Many of my friends are in an amateur production of Spring Awakening, they've been working so hard on it and I cannot wait to see it.
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I love Belle - She's such a bookworm |
There are other upsides to Autumn of course such as the sound of the leaves crunching beneath my shoes, the refreshing chill of the morning wind that clears the air and the fun of Halloween. Lets make this Autumn a good one :)
Do any of you have anything your particularly looking forward to in the Autumn? Please comment :)
All My love, A Cat named Cat x
beauty and the beast,
spring awakening
Saturday, 28 August 2010
Desperate Housewives?
The other day I seen this photo of Audrey Hepburn in the kitchen. All dressed up and checking on whatever domestic delight was cooking in the oven. Although I know this photo was probably posed I love the thought of doing the housework all dressed up and looking fabulous (although who could look as fabulous as the ultimate Miss Hepburn!). I really don't think in this day and age it would be much fun to be a housewife but there's something fantastic about the image of a 50's housewife in my opinion.
I know, I know, it was demeaning and there goal in life was to get the dinner cooked and please their husband but I still can't help thinking that there's something lovely about it. Maybe it's the nostalgia of the decade but I think I'd like to try it just for the day; my hair piled up on my head and hair sprayed to death, in a dress, pearls and rubber gloves. Wow I'm one odd 16 year old :)
Something tells me Audrey would have made the ultimate domestic goddess too but luckily she gave us all the gift of her magical movies instead... now that's better than baking a cake!
Please comment :)
(thanks for the advice a=on the last post, it really put things in perspective)
All my love, A Cat named Cat x
Friday, 27 August 2010
Crazy little thing called love.
This is getting ridiculous. Most of you know the tale of 'Lover Boy ' - well there's another one popped out of the woodwork (Or popped up on facebook chat, whatever floats your boat). Lets call this one D, so D is a very shy guy, I don't really talk to him that much at school but he regularly pops up to chat to me. I always chatted back because because that's just what I do and I thought, "Oh he's not such a bad guy". However he still has a personality I couldn't be with and I just don't feel anything for him; Frankly I'm starting to feel guilty and horrible, though why should I? I've never given him ANY encouragement!
Of course this didn't become such a problem until he suddenly confesses "I love you. More than I think I've loved any girl before." I thought to myself, tell him straight. That's what I did and it worked for a while. Until he started getting really moody with me and we ended up having an argument. I wouldn't have given our tiff a second thought. But he goes and... wait for it... EMAILS MY MOTHER! That's when I finally said "Enough is enough" and I haven't said a word to him since.
I'm so bad at this! Love and stuff is never meant to be easy but is it really meant to be this messed up? Why don't I like these two guys back? Will I ever find anyone for me? Oh the teenage drama. Any advice? I really need it! Please comment :)
All My Love (oh so that's where my love is going!) , A Cat named Cat x
Of course this didn't become such a problem until he suddenly confesses "I love you. More than I think I've loved any girl before." I thought to myself, tell him straight. That's what I did and it worked for a while. Until he started getting really moody with me and we ended up having an argument. I wouldn't have given our tiff a second thought. But he goes and... wait for it... EMAILS MY MOTHER! That's when I finally said "Enough is enough" and I haven't said a word to him since.
I'm so bad at this! Love and stuff is never meant to be easy but is it really meant to be this messed up? Why don't I like these two guys back? Will I ever find anyone for me? Oh the teenage drama. Any advice? I really need it! Please comment :)
All My Love (oh so that's where my love is going!) , A Cat named Cat x
Thursday, 26 August 2010
What we have here, is a failure to communicate
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why can't we be like that? |
I love her more than any thing and we have such a good relationship but I just cannot talk to her about guys or anything in that category! I grew up watching 'Gilmore Girls' with her and I think she wanted us to be that open but when ever I open my mouth to say something it's like there's something sucking the words back in. It makes me sad at times; it really does.
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he is pretty cute <3 |
I just want to be able to tell her things. I even struggle to say Ooh (insert celebrity name here) is cute.(In my case it would be... ooh Matt Smith <3 ) Seriously what's wrong with me?
Why am I this awkward with her? I'm not like this with anyone else! In fact I'm quite the opposite. Do any of you have communication problems with friends or family? Are you really open with your Mum?
Please comment :)
All My Love, A Cat named Cat x
Wednesday, 25 August 2010
The Starbucks fascination...
I'll admit, I've never understood the fuss about Starbucks. Like honestly... isn't it only overpriced coffee? Yet everyone around me seems completely content with splashing the cash on it. Now I'm not a Starbuck's hater, I go in now and again, I'm just confused about the level of commitment people seem to have with it. I know it's a pop culture phenomenon as well as a coffee house and yes the cake there is quite nice but I'm not ready to proclaim my love for it in the information section of facebook ( "my life wouldn't be complete with out my daily caramel macchiato" - really though? ) . Though I suppose it's better than people bragging about there GCSE results endlessly. I don't understand some people, I really don't.
(I did think these coffee cups where cool though!)
In other news it was results day yesterday. There was so much build up to it, months upon months of waiting... all to open an envelope and think, yeah... I thought I would get that. I was quite pleased with my grades overall but part of me does wish I could improve some of them which are a tiny bit lower than the rest. Luckily I didn't fail any. So now that's all over and finished with, what's next? Even harder exams next year... woo...
Please comment :)
All my Love, A Cat named Cat x
(I did think these coffee cups where cool though!)
In other news it was results day yesterday. There was so much build up to it, months upon months of waiting... all to open an envelope and think, yeah... I thought I would get that. I was quite pleased with my grades overall but part of me does wish I could improve some of them which are a tiny bit lower than the rest. Luckily I didn't fail any. So now that's all over and finished with, what's next? Even harder exams next year... woo...
Please comment :)
All my Love, A Cat named Cat x
Monday, 23 August 2010
We're all actors really...
Acting is such an important aspect of my life....
- It lets me explore aspects to myself I never knew I could possess.
- There is no better escape from a crappy day than to be someone else for a while.
- It has provided me with invaluable confidence.
- Plus it's so much fun!
I discovered how much I loved this when I was about nine... the school christmas play. The most prestigious production of.... Snow White and the seven Jockeys. (Yes! Jockeys!) I got to play the part of the Evil Queen (I didn't even considering auditioning for Snow White and instead spent the whole day practising my Wicked Cackle - Weird Child, I know) Since then I haven't been able to shake the acting bug. I doubt I'd ever be able to do it for a living but it's still my number one passion and I love every day I get to do it.
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you'll get frown lines if you keep that up! |
In other news it's GCSE results day tomorrow (bites nails...) I hope I've passed! It also means getting a chance to see everyone again all together before school starts (luckily Lover Boy won't be there!) . SO hopefully tomorrow will be a happy one and I can bring you a smiley post.
What's your passion in life? Anyone else enjoy drama? Please comment :)
All my love, A Cat named Cat x
Sunday, 22 August 2010
Nothing feels as strange as when the leaves begin to change...
Summer's nearly over and I honestly can't quite believe it. I still have so much stuff I need to do, from school shopping to general summer adventures! Why can't I get motivated? I seem to waste my days away sitting here at my lap top and I'm getting a bit sick of it. I want to get active and to become full of the joys of spring (well, summer) but I just don't know how. Everything seems in such a weird little jumble right now, my friends are dreading there GCSE results where as I'm just not even thinking about them, my other friend is totally obsessing about some guy and here I am... floating in space. Just kinda lost you know?
I'll be glad to throw myself back into studying in September in all honesty and focusing on Drama again, I miss acting and hopefully I can start again in the Autumn. Oh and thanks for all the advice on the the boy who wouldn't give up it helped.... kind of. Then he suggested that we run away and start a new life in Lanzarote. Maybe the ignore him thing isn't working?
Do any of you ever feel in kind of a floaty state... nothings quite settled? And any suggestions about how to handle 'lover boy'? Please comment! :)
All my Love, A Cat named Cat x
I'll be glad to throw myself back into studying in September in all honesty and focusing on Drama again, I miss acting and hopefully I can start again in the Autumn. Oh and thanks for all the advice on the the boy who wouldn't give up it helped.... kind of. Then he suggested that we run away and start a new life in Lanzarote. Maybe the ignore him thing isn't working?
Do any of you ever feel in kind of a floaty state... nothings quite settled? And any suggestions about how to handle 'lover boy'? Please comment! :)
All my Love, A Cat named Cat x
Friday, 20 August 2010
I could happily live in a book store.
I've often expressed my love for books in this blog but I have just as equal a love for bookstores! It must sound silly but I love that proper book shop smell, I'm not talking waterstones, more a good a honest independent kind of thing. You can also tend to find really great things in these types of stores which is always a plus and there never at the sky high prices of more commercial places. I could happily live in one. Plus I think there's something very romantic about a small modest bookstore or even a library. What do you think?
All my Love, A Cat named Cat x
All my Love, A Cat named Cat x
Wednesday, 18 August 2010
My new musical obsession
Short and snappy post today; I am in love with this new singer/band I discovered on youtube. They do covers of popular songs as well as their own original stuff and I really just can't get enough! Tyler Ward and his band have been on youtube for a while now and I can't understand why they haven't been singed yet, it's better than some of the stuff out there right now and I am officially a fan! Plus Tyler Ward is really cute... thought I'd just slip that in there...
Tuesday, 17 August 2010
Maybe I am a little old fashioned...
I'll admit it, I love myself some vintage. As much as I love the twenty first century and all the opportunities and technology it brings I just like the nostalgia of the past; the clothes, the music and the simpler life. Nothing makes me happier than staying in on a cold winters night and watching an Audrey Hepburn film or Casablanca.
I've been thinking though, could I have actually lived back then? I really don't think so, there's so many things in my life that I wouldn't have the guts to give up, like the internet and all the positive aspects of our society as it is. Would I enjoy the movies and clothes so much if I had actually been there?
Though if I had some sort of Doctor Who time machine (including the delightful Matt Smith maybe?) I would love to visit...
The early 20's in America - the fun, the flappers and the cool jazz music.
The 50's - it just seems so inviting, I don't know why but I would have loved to see what it was like living the 1950's lifestyle.
The 1960's - THE CLOTHES! I would have loved to see Beatle mania in full swing, the peace movement and the music up close.
If you had a time machine which decade would you want to go back to? Any events? Have you ever thought what it would be like to live in a different time?
All my love, A Cat named Cat x
I've been thinking though, could I have actually lived back then? I really don't think so, there's so many things in my life that I wouldn't have the guts to give up, like the internet and all the positive aspects of our society as it is. Would I enjoy the movies and clothes so much if I had actually been there?
Though if I had some sort of Doctor Who time machine (including the delightful Matt Smith maybe?) I would love to visit...
The early 20's in America - the fun, the flappers and the cool jazz music.
The 50's - it just seems so inviting, I don't know why but I would have loved to see what it was like living the 1950's lifestyle.
The 1960's - THE CLOTHES! I would have loved to see Beatle mania in full swing, the peace movement and the music up close.
If you had a time machine which decade would you want to go back to? Any events? Have you ever thought what it would be like to live in a different time?
All my love, A Cat named Cat x
Audrey Hepburn,
Doctor Who,
Monday, 16 August 2010
So, he kind of likes me...
I'm an optimist, which I've found is a rarity for a girl in her late teens but hey, I always try to look and the bright side of life. I've never had a proper boyfriend, which hasn't bothered me because I believe in the 'it'll happen when it happens' mantra however I always assumed if there was a guy who liked me, like... really liked me, I would like him back. Oh how wrong I was! Maybe I should start at the beginning...
I've known the boy for two years now, we get along, always have. He's very over the top though, so I can usually only take him in small, measured doses. He's always shown an interest, I suppose but I thought it was just friendly in all honesty, until this happened...
I've known the boy for two years now, we get along, always have. He's very over the top though, so I can usually only take him in small, measured doses. He's always shown an interest, I suppose but I thought it was just friendly in all honesty, until this happened...
(After me being a bit clumsy...)
The boy, "you're an idiot you know"
Me, "I know..."
The boy, "you're a beautiful idiot though"
(sweet... it really was)
Since then he's just kept on with his flirting which sometimes just makes me feel REALLY uncomfortable and I never know what to say back and he may have said he kind of loves me. He's sweet enough but I don't think I could date him; I don't know what to do! Hurting his feelings isn't an option in my mind but what else can be done? It was never supposed to happen like this... it was supposed to be like one of those cheesy Taylor Swift songs that I love so much... I'm too much of a romantic, that's my problem.
Urg! Sorry for the teenage angst! (well not exactly angst but you know...) Lol but I didn't know what else to write about tonight, it's been a particularly uninspiring day...
What do you all think I should do about my little problem? Please comment even if you don't answer the question! :)
All my Love, A Cat named Cat x
Saturday, 14 August 2010
Why does it feel like autumn all ready?
What's going on with the world? I got up today and it looked like an stormy October morning rather than the beginning of a mid august day. I hate the fact summer rolls over so quickly, I've even had to resort to pulling out my autumn wardrobe as a result of the uninspiring temperature!
Though I must admit, this is one of my favourite autumn outfits mainly because of the tights! Then again I suppose there are some up sides to autumn, the lovely golden leaves and the beautiful way they fall, Halloween, getting to wear boots again. But these things really don't compare to the amazing, warm, sun soaked days of summer... the days I'm not prepared to give up just yet!
I really want to make the most of the rest of the summer but I'm not sure what to do, I've never been the best at curing boredom (except for pulling out a book) . Any suggestions for fun summery activities?
I've also been working on the illusive Serena Van Der Woodsen hair... still no impressive result yet but we're getting there! Watching Gossip Girl on repeat is helping, well sort of, when I can turn my attention away from Chace Crawford.
How are you filling in your summer? What's your favourite summer activity? Please comment! :)
All my love, A Cat named Cat x
I really want to make the most of the rest of the summer but I'm not sure what to do, I've never been the best at curing boredom (except for pulling out a book) . Any suggestions for fun summery activities?
I've also been working on the illusive Serena Van Der Woodsen hair... still no impressive result yet but we're getting there! Watching Gossip Girl on repeat is helping, well sort of, when I can turn my attention away from Chace Crawford.
How are you filling in your summer? What's your favourite summer activity? Please comment! :)
All my love, A Cat named Cat x
Friday, 13 August 2010
Funny how it rained all day
Hello again, I've returned from bonny Scotland in one piece! It was quite a good trip although I spent most of the time with my nose stuck in a book, which is fortunate considering I packed nearly as many as in the picture to take with me. One of the best that I took was 'The year I turned sixteen' by Diane Schwemm. I couldn't tear myself away! The plot followed four sisters (though four different sections of the book) and each narrated what happened the year they turned sixteen. It had me smiling, laughing and crying; I'm so glad I picked it up even if was only because the cover looked nice!
Other highlights of the trip included the thrill of finding shelter from the numerous rain storms and an oddly hot day at the beach (which we had to dash of after two hours because of an unexpected downpour - best of both worlds really) . There was also the trips to a small farm shop just down the road from where we were staying, it was rather miniscule but lovely... and there was also the matter of the extremely gorgeous boy who worked there who kept me going back. Though I think he may have caught on in all honesty, after I went in for the third time, looked at the same stuff without buying anything and left. Well, I really didn't need anymore organic orange juice.
I'm glad to be back to civilisation though with all the interruptions that come with internet access and mobile phone signal... and my blog of course :)
Have any of you ever read 'the year I turned sixteen' and what's been your favourite summer read so far?
All my love, a Cat named Cat x
Friday, 6 August 2010
Vintage Paris
I want to wear pretty vintage clothes and pretend to be Audrey Hepburn in Paris. That is what I want. I would like to forget about mobile phones, facebook and twitter and run through the Parisian streets in the rain with a broken umbrella and run into a beautiful man who will fix it for me. Or sit in a tiny Parisian cafe and sip my coffee while getting lost in my new book. Ok... maybe it's seems a bit impossible but I girl can dream can't she?
Sometimes I truly wish I could just escape back to the 1950's for a day, just to see what it was like. Maybe track down Miss Hepburn and see her in the flesh... ah the possibilities. Though I would also settle for a trip to modern day Paris, it looks so romantic and magical, like something out of a book. But unfortunately Paris isn't on the horizon yet... Scotland is though. So I'm going to be going quiet for the next 5 days while my body will be in Scotland but my head will truly be in Paris... won't that look odd :)
Anyone been to Paris? Is it as magical as it seems?
See you next week when I'm rescued from the wilderness.
All my love, A Cat named Cat x
Sometimes I truly wish I could just escape back to the 1950's for a day, just to see what it was like. Maybe track down Miss Hepburn and see her in the flesh... ah the possibilities. Though I would also settle for a trip to modern day Paris, it looks so romantic and magical, like something out of a book. But unfortunately Paris isn't on the horizon yet... Scotland is though. So I'm going to be going quiet for the next 5 days while my body will be in Scotland but my head will truly be in Paris... won't that look odd :)
Anyone been to Paris? Is it as magical as it seems?
See you next week when I'm rescued from the wilderness.
All my love, A Cat named Cat x
Thursday, 5 August 2010
Because I want Serena Van Der Woodsen's hair.
There are many things I wish for in this life; an unlimited book budget, a danish pastry with just the right amount of icing and for snow every christmas. But if there's one thing I truly do long for it is the hair of Gossip Girl's Serena Van Der Woodsen . I've always been a fan of the character both in the fabulous books and the TV series but I'm a super fan of long, wavy, blonde and at times completely unkempt hair. Now, it seems a very easy thing to achieve... yeah right. I've had several failed attempts at this style and I'm beginning to think it may just be Blake Lively who can actually pull it off. So I'm making one last resort..... Dear Santa, I've been a very good girl this year, so maybe on christmas morning I could wake up with blonder hair in Van Der Woodsen Style? Yes?
Hmm, maybe a bit too much to ask but it was worth a try! Are you a gossip girl fan? Books or TV... who's your favourite character?
Very shallow post today, I promise something of more substance later.
All my love, a Cat named Cat x
Hmm, maybe a bit too much to ask but it was worth a try! Are you a gossip girl fan? Books or TV... who's your favourite character?
Very shallow post today, I promise something of more substance later.
All my love, a Cat named Cat x
Gossip Girl,
New York,
Serena Van Der Woodsen
Tuesday, 3 August 2010
Would you like to see that in 3D? NO!
So lately it's been hard to miss the signs of "new and better" technology on the horizon. First it was HD! Everyone went HD mad when at first a great number of us even knew what HD even meant now we're onto tri colour tellys because we've never experienced blue like it! (apparently...) . However one of the most obvious new trends is the 3D film craze. Now, call me old fashioned but I don't want to go to the cinema to sit with silly glasses on to see cars flying towards me. Now I do appreciate the thrill factor, the new cinematic experience that having a flailing piece of virtual metal hurled towards you can bring but come on, lets not let this take over our cinemas!

The cinema experience should remain as classic as it does modern. The quiet intimate experience like in a brief encounter... Ok yes, I realise I'm severely romanticising things but would we have liked to have seen the train pulling out of the station with our monstrous glasses on just for the thrill of it? And how would anyone share a natural back row kiss with those things in the way? Lets be practical guys. Classic Cinema will never get old.
How could you resist a classic cinema kiss?
All my love, A Cat named Cat x
Monday, 2 August 2010
Empire State Of Mind

I have seen, heard and read about so many interpretations of one of the greatest city's on earth; New York. For example the rich kids of the upper east side in Gossip Girl where luxury drips from every bendels bag and the city is their ultimate play ground. The best of the best is displayed. The best of Manhattan (Central Park, the Met, Fifth Avenue) and the best of Brooklyn (Arts Cafe's and Mr Dan Humphrey) it all has a magical air about it that just makes me want to hop on a plane!
Then there's the city (all be it, the city in the 1950's) through Holden Caufield's eyes. In 'The Catcher in the rye' the character of Holden portrays New York as a cold, dark and dangerous city of sin. A place without innocence where no one can be trusted and there's an almost fake edge to the beautiful parts of town. Though this is partially because of Holden's isolated state of mind it still makes me think in a city that big where one person really counts for nothing, it could be a terrifying place to be. (By the way if you've never read the catcher in the rye, I strongly recommend it!)
Finally, a song that regularly plays on my ipod. Empire State Of Mind (part one and two!) is so full of the inspiration New York can give someone. The dreams, the confidence but also how it can swallow you and spit you out. So from what I can tell New York is a city of many faces, both inspirational and devastating. I hope I get to find out for myself one day. Have you ever been to NYC? What were your experiences? Please comment!
"These streets will make you feel brand new,
big lights will inspire you,
lets hear it for New York, New York, New York!"
All my love, A Cat named Cat x
Catcher in the Rye,
Empire State of Mind,
Gossip Girl,
Jay Z,
New York
Sunday, 1 August 2010
They don't think what they say before they open their mouths..
I love Eliza Doolittle's song 'Pack up' in fact I think it's brilliant! It has become my instant "cheer up life's not that bad!" song. Pack up got me thinking today; a lot of us spend so much time thinking about what other people think of us, the way we look, things we like, the things listen to and even the way we dress. For one I think it's ridiculous. Can we not just enjoy our lives without worrying about scrutiny from the outside world? I am past the point of caring what people think about my taste in music and my opinions. Just live your life without worrying about it... In fact just.....
"Pack up your troubles in you old kit bag and bury them beneath the sea.
Pack up you're troubles in your old kit bag don't worry bout the cavalry.
Just a quick post today, I hope you liked it though.
All my Love, A Cat named Cat x
Thursday, 29 July 2010
The look....
Hello stranger, thank you if you're reading this.
So today, something happened, something that many of you out there will be familiar with whereas me... not so much. The day began normally, throwing myself out of bed, watching gmtv and reading my latest book obsession (I heart Paris by Lindsey Kelk - it's part of the I heat series-and it's really rather fabulous) . Then we move on to the much more exciting bit. I was out shopping, browsing the shelves of a second hand book store ever so casually, not even really taking notice of the rest of the world. That's when it happened. I lift my head and see someone... a rather gorgeous someone. He looks as if he's been looking at me but there's no way to tell. I shake it off, still feeling butterflies at the possibility. Looking back at the books I can't concentrate, he had a certain twinkle in his eye... something inside tells me he may have been looking at me after all. When I look up again the same thing happens, except this time Mr. Gorgeous smiles at me and all I can do is throw a smile back. Then I go back to browsing, feeling rather happy inside before swiftly exiting the shop. So yes, it appears I may have got the look down, now I just need to master the 'don't run away without saying hi' mantra.
Like I say this must sound like a regular occurrence in most of your lives I would imagine. So lucky you. But for me it was a rather big deal and one I hope to have a repeat of. So now I bid you goodbye to go back to my book and have a quick day dream about Mr Gorgeous.
Please comment if you wish :)
All my love, A cat named cat x
Monday, 28 June 2010
Please don't stop the rain.

I must look like a maniac. Quite honestly, picture this; scrawny girl sitting on a garden bench with no coat and just an umbrella as a shield as the heavens open above. What must the neighbours think? I quite honestly love summer rain. There's nothing quite like it. The sun is great, don't get me wrong but then rain is so much more inspiring. It quenches the soul rather than dehydrating the mind. Then there's the simply gorgeous smell, like the air has been completely cleaned. It's beautiful. So, give it a go, sit out in the rain. It may look a bit ridiculous but, when enough people look ridiculous it starts to look normal.
Sunday, 13 June 2010
Bow ties are cool
Ok, so I'll admit it... I recently started to watch Doctor Who. Before Matt Smith became the doctor I had zero interest but I thought I'd give it a go. Before, I was a proud none follow of the show, an individual thinker. Oh how wrong I was. It's BRILLIANT! Ok so the monsters and aliens aren't exactly my style but the comical dialogue can be hilarious and the chemistry between Amy Pond and the doctor never fails to entertain me. Last night was a particular gem; James Corden (My oh my he's getting everywhere these days) guest starred as the Doctor attempted to pass himself off as a human being with Amy Pond off somewhere in space. In the Doctors words "What could possibly go wrong?"
The Doctor pretending to be human had my sides splitting, from playing football (asking 'is that the one with the sticks') to talking to a cat (it was funnier than it sounds) this got me wondering, like in every episode of the new series, why haven't I watched this before? If Sci- fi isn't your thing I still advise you to give it a go, it's witty, dramatic, emotional and has a lot of heart. Matt Smith shows off his incredible acting skills to show a funny, eccentric and at times even tortured Doctor and teamed up with the amazing Karen Gillian as Amy Pond, you really can't go wrong.
I will still admit I prefer the more normal comical episodes to the real outer space ones. But that's just me but this still proves this show has something for everyone. In fact I have been such a convert I've even started watching confidential... how sad is that!? But of course confidential is very entertaining and we get to see a very fashionable Matt Smith and Karen Gillian in their element ( I love the way Karen dresses! ) . So if you haven't been converted to Who yet... come over to the dark side my friend. Enjoy the antics of the bow tie clad Doctor and his loveable assistant. Because as the Doctor says.... Bow Ties are cool!
All my love... A Cat named Cat x
Amy Pond,
Bow Ties,
Doctor Who,
Karen Gillian,
Matt Smith
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