Tuesday, 7 September 2010

A new chapter...

So, I began Sixth Form today. It was an odd experience to say the least...

It began with torrential rain and believe me it was pathetic fallacy; my mood was completely ominous. I trudged into school, the water on the ground soaking straight through my shoes to be put into a tutor group I did not particularly want to be in. I know, I know, I sound like a whining two year old but nothing feels right anymore, I feel like I'm floating about not knowing quite what to do. I hate change.

However the up side is... we've got quite a lot of new people. A lot of new guys... some of which are quite handsome... especially one who seemed to be smiling at me a lot; that did cheer me up. I've been such a bad blogger lately, and I do apologise. I'll try to update more often with some more fun topics :)

For now, here's one of my favourite songs from rent which seriously cheered me up today...

Please comment :)

All My Love, A Cat named Cat x


  1. I loved the words you used, hehehe! I wish I could talk like that in real life.
    Language these days has diminished in quality quite substantially. :( :(

  2. this song is always stuck in my head!!! haha

  3. Good luck with Sixth Form, I hope things improve for you. And aw, that's a cute song! :)


Ooh, you're about to comment? You lovely person :)