Saturday, 11 September 2010

The tragedy of being a marshmallow.

I must have bi polar or something; in the space of two days I went from hating Sixth Form to absolutely loving it! Lessons have gotten better and I've gotten to know some new people which is also cool. Though whilst I was sitting in the common room with a newly purchased bag of marshmallows (bored out of my skull by the way... so don't think I'm crazy when you read this next sentence) and I realised it must be a hard life if you were a marshmallow. Being made to look all cute and fluffy then mercilessly being dunked into a steaming hot beverage - ridiculous. As I say I was tremendously bored when I came up with revelation but I still thought I'd share it.

In other news... lover boy asked me out. My heart completely wrenched at that moment; I had no idea what to say. I panicked and ended up just, "Thank you for asking... I just can't" I'm so socially inept. Boys have never been my strong point anyway.... any one I like never likes me... it's probably saved me a lot of trouble in all honesty.

And finally my first drama task is to go somewhere and 'observe someone' - basically stalking! Then right down any mannerisms they have... I'm quite concerned by this in all honesty.

Autumn has taken full prominence and I love it more than anything, the chill in the air is so refreshing :)

I hope everyone has had a good week and I just want to say I really do appreciate every comment and follow!

All my love, A Cat named Cat x


  1. LOL, what a revelation you had there! :D And that picture is too cute!!
    Aww, why didn't you say yes????? :D You never know what might come from it. ;)

  2. Ahhhh you didn't dig him?

    I adore marshmallows. They bring sweetness wherever they go and don't melt in your hands.

  3. At least the marshmallow sacrfice is worth it. (: Yummm mallows. :D


Ooh, you're about to comment? You lovely person :)