Sunday, 19 September 2010

Power Walk Baby, Power Walk!

A bonding experience. That is how a brutal 7 mile walk was sold to us - a chance to get to know our tutor groups and talk to some new people as we traipsed through the wilderness. I am not a walker - nor have I ever been a walker - so needless to say I was not looking forward to this. In anticipation for the trek I bought blister plasters, memory foam and foot wipes (I felt very prepared) . 

For some reason before we got on the buses to take us to our starting point I felt reading to run a marathon or in the words I gleefully exclaimed whilst practically jogging in place "I could climb a mountain!" - Why do I say these things? This enthusiasm lasted a while - we stepped off the coach, abandoned the walking in tutor groups idea and headed on route. My feet were coping well with the foot protection I had purchased and I was still on my little high - all was well.

However after a brief lunch break in a field I found myself walking with one of my friends but also between lover boy and D the determined which was awkward to say the least....

L.B - "So are your feet ok?"
D - "Hey! I've all ready asked her that"
L.B - "Well maybe she'll give me a different answer!"

After an hour of that I really was starting to feel the pain of walking on uneven ground in the middle of a forest whilst having two boys offering to carry me (Once again I feel nothing but guilt about these two!) . 
The final stretch brought us to another filed where we had to wait an hour for the bus to come and collect us - in the mean time I went to sleep using my friend as a pillow. Bonding? - it was never going to happen.

Please comment :) 

All my Love, A Cat named Cat x

The Breakfast Club

I'm such a bad blogger! I'm so sorry! Life is so hectic at the minute, I can't post as regularly as I'd like and I'm behind on commenting on some of my favourite blogs too. So once again I apologise. But the topic today is the 80's classic and on of my favourite films... THE BREAKFAST CLUB!

I love the challenging of stereotypes in this movie. It really inspired my to know we can all be what we choose and not just the label prescribed to us. There's not once I can watch it where it fails to make me laugh and smile. Also Molly Ringwald = Simply Amazing :)

"Dear Mr. Vernon: We accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it was we did wrong. But, we think you're crazy to make us write an essay telling you who we think we are. You see us as you want to see us: in the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions. But, what we found out is that each one of us is: a brain . . .
Andrew Clark: And an athlete . . .
Allison Reynolds: And a basket case . . .
Claire Standish: A princess . . .
John Bender: And a criminal.
Brian Johnson: Does that answer your question? Sincerely yours, The Breakfast Club. "

I'm going to be a better blogger this week - I promise :)

All my Love, A Cat named Cat x

Saturday, 11 September 2010

The tragedy of being a marshmallow.

I must have bi polar or something; in the space of two days I went from hating Sixth Form to absolutely loving it! Lessons have gotten better and I've gotten to know some new people which is also cool. Though whilst I was sitting in the common room with a newly purchased bag of marshmallows (bored out of my skull by the way... so don't think I'm crazy when you read this next sentence) and I realised it must be a hard life if you were a marshmallow. Being made to look all cute and fluffy then mercilessly being dunked into a steaming hot beverage - ridiculous. As I say I was tremendously bored when I came up with revelation but I still thought I'd share it.

In other news... lover boy asked me out. My heart completely wrenched at that moment; I had no idea what to say. I panicked and ended up just, "Thank you for asking... I just can't" I'm so socially inept. Boys have never been my strong point anyway.... any one I like never likes me... it's probably saved me a lot of trouble in all honesty.

And finally my first drama task is to go somewhere and 'observe someone' - basically stalking! Then right down any mannerisms they have... I'm quite concerned by this in all honesty.

Autumn has taken full prominence and I love it more than anything, the chill in the air is so refreshing :)

I hope everyone has had a good week and I just want to say I really do appreciate every comment and follow!

All my love, A Cat named Cat x

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

A new chapter...

So, I began Sixth Form today. It was an odd experience to say the least...

It began with torrential rain and believe me it was pathetic fallacy; my mood was completely ominous. I trudged into school, the water on the ground soaking straight through my shoes to be put into a tutor group I did not particularly want to be in. I know, I know, I sound like a whining two year old but nothing feels right anymore, I feel like I'm floating about not knowing quite what to do. I hate change.

However the up side is... we've got quite a lot of new people. A lot of new guys... some of which are quite handsome... especially one who seemed to be smiling at me a lot; that did cheer me up. I've been such a bad blogger lately, and I do apologise. I'll try to update more often with some more fun topics :)

For now, here's one of my favourite songs from rent which seriously cheered me up today...

Please comment :)

All My Love, A Cat named Cat x

Saturday, 4 September 2010

Back into the swing of things...

Yesterday we had our first Beauty and the Beast rehearsal for a while, it really got my out of my lazy slump which I've bee stuck in for ages. Plus it was great seeing everyone again! I've missed rehearsals so much. It's weird when you start doing something that you haven't done for a while and it feels like there hasn't been a break!

I've also been given about 100 spring awakening leaflets to shift. I felt quite promotional but I don't see how I can get rid of them all. So... if your in the north east of England, come see Spring Awakening! Please?

Things are really good at the minute, that all might change when school starts but for now... I'm a happy bunny with a lot to look forward to, including the lovely Autumn weather! (I know it's odd but I love the leaves!)

What are you looking forward too about the Fall?
All my Love, A Cat named Cat x

Thursday, 2 September 2010


Edinburgh was actually amazing! It felt so historical and for lack of a better word... pretty. But that's what it was, simply pretty! Here's a few pictures...

I had such a great time, I just want to go back again! Ooh and thank you to my 7 followers! :)
All My Love, A Cat named Cat x