Ok, so I'll admit it... I recently started to watch Doctor Who. Before Matt Smith became the doctor I had zero interest but I thought I'd give it a go. Before, I was a proud none follow of the show, an individual thinker. Oh how wrong I was. It's BRILLIANT! Ok so the monsters and aliens aren't exactly my style but the comical dialogue can be hilarious and the chemistry between Amy Pond and the doctor never fails to entertain me. Last night was a particular gem; James Corden (My oh my he's getting everywhere these days) guest starred as the Doctor attempted to pass himself off as a human being with Amy Pond off somewhere in space. In the Doctors words "What could possibly go wrong?"
The Doctor pretending to be human had my sides splitting, from playing football (asking 'is that the one with the sticks') to talking to a cat (it was funnier than it sounds) this got me wondering, like in every episode of the new series, why haven't I watched this before? If Sci- fi isn't your thing I still advise you to give it a go, it's witty, dramatic, emotional and has a lot of heart. Matt Smith shows off his incredible acting skills to show a funny, eccentric and at times even tortured Doctor and teamed up with the amazing Karen Gillian as Amy Pond, you really can't go wrong.
I will still admit I prefer the more normal comical episodes to the real outer space ones. But that's just me but this still proves this show has something for everyone. In fact I have been such a convert I've even started watching confidential... how sad is that!? But of course confidential is very entertaining and we get to see a very fashionable Matt Smith and Karen Gillian in their element ( I love the way Karen dresses! ) . So if you haven't been converted to Who yet... come over to the dark side my friend. Enjoy the antics of the bow tie clad Doctor and his loveable assistant. Because as the Doctor says.... Bow Ties are cool!
All my love... A Cat named Cat x